June 2024 Issue

Deborah Tagornak translates for Bishop Shane Parker at St Margaret’s. Photo: Philippe Owen

The path of reconciliation continues to beckon us

Drummers Timothy Erkloo and Ruben Komangapik, along with the Rev. Canon Aigah Attagutsiak and the Rev. Colin McFarland

Archbishop Chris Harper brings news of the Indigenous Church

Archbishop Chris Harper made his first visit to the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa since he was named National Indigenous Archbishop in 2022, and it was ...

Three housing projects open and welcome residents home

On May 2, parishioners and clergy from St. John the Evangelist celebrated the opening of a Smiths Falls affordable housing project that they played a ...
Cornerstone ribbon cutting

Cornerstone celebrates the opening of Eccles Street residence

On April 17, Cornerstone Housing for Women officially opened a new supportive residence at 44 Eccles Street.  “Cornerstone is very proud to be opening our ...

Theologian Sam Wells launches Trinity College lecture series and summer book club

Those who enjoyed the online lecture “Reimagining Church” that author and public theologian the Rev. Dr. Sam Wells, offered for the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa’s ...
Cathy Cohen cuts the ribbon to officially open Hollyer House

Hollyer House opens its doors in Bells Corners

Bells Corners is a better community today after the official opening of Hollyer House with its 35 units of affordable housing and a hub for ...
Petra Ghazleh and Bishop Shane Parker.

Na’mat allah wa salamoh Ma’akom!

Bishop Shane Parker sent a video greeting to Archbishop Hosam Naoum and Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem assuring them that they are being upheld by their ...
Deans gather in Christ Church Cathedral

Welcoming the North American Cathedral Deans

Cathedral deans from across North America gathered in Ottawa April 18-22 for their annual conference. Watch for a reflection on the conference from host Dean ...
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June 2024 Clergy News

The Rev. Jonathan Askwith has been appointed as Interim Associate Incumbent of the parish of St. Helen’s Orleans, effective May 29, 2024.  The Rev. John ...
Sanjay Grover, director of financial minispeaking at the workshop.

Wardens, treasurers and clergy turn out for Learning Commons workshops

Saturday April 13, Christ Church Bells Corners: the diocesan Learning Commons brought finance director Sanjay Grover and parish leaders together for a training session on ...
Wahida Azizi and Tajuddin Farzam at a museum.

Afghan couple celebrates one year in Canada with thanks to friends

In the December 2023 issue of Perspective, Wahida Azizi and Tajjudin Farzam shared the story of their escape from Afghanistan and how the Anglican Diocese ...
Archbishop Chris Harper with members of the All My Relations Circle

Archbishop Chris Harper meets with All My Relations Circle

“The Indigenous church has much to teach the wider Anglican church about community and relationship”, said Indigenous Archbishop Chris Harper during a gathering with the ...
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Perth affordable housing project gets land transfer

The journey of St. James the Apostle to build affordable housing in Perth took a giant step forward when the town council voted to transfer ...
Mary Anne Reinhard, Pam Hazen, Arlene Simonovich and Diane Clement sort clothes.

St. Thomas ACW supports the Stittsville Food Bank

St. Thomas Stittsville members have been supporters of the local food bank through food and monetary donations for many years. The ACW (Anglican Church Women) ...
Rector’s Warden Jim Beckett retires

Well done, thou good and faithful servant

Jim Beckett recently retired as the Rector’s Warden in the Parish of North Dundas.  He had served in this capacity for over 20 years.  Jim ...
Faces and hands of youth in a circle with blue sky background

Saying goodbye and thanks to the Youth Internship Program

In the fall, youth ministry in the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa will be taking a new direction that aims to engage a broad spectrum of ...
The Rev. Alan Gallachan, Paul Langman, Wendy Brown, Christine Ormsby and Eunice Goodenough.

Charity flows in Richmond

In recent months, St. John the Baptist Church, Richmond has made the first Sunday of every month Food Bank Sunday, when donations are gathered for ...
Young volunteers planting a garden

Trinity church hosts Good Seed Sunday

“We need to think about what we can personally do to protect the environment,” says Max Le Moine, after attending Good Seed Sunday just a ...
Cover of Joan Chittister's book "The Gift of the Years"

“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.”

By The Ven. Peter Crosby Some books read like a good visit with a trusted soul friend. The Gift of Years, Growing Old Gracefully by ...
Sister Elizabeth Ann speaking to women sitting in pews

Living in the Age of the Spirit

St. Aidan’s Church, Ottawa, was the setting April 26 and 27 of a Quiet Time led by Sister Elizabeth Ann of the Anglican Sisters of ...

Faith groups reach out to Carleton students

Hundreds of Carleton University students lined up to enjoy a free coffee break with goodies supplied by volunteers from faith communities across Ottawa during final ...
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