ACW Update

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Dear ACW friends, 

Way back in May you arranged for your colleagues at St. Vincent de Paul in Alberta to purchase some warm winter clothing items to send together with a container that they were preparing for our community in Inuvik, NWT. Well, before the snow returned and the river turned to ice, the container arrived and eventually found its way to the Inuvik Warming Centre. Soon after the centre re-opened for the winter, we dug into the container with the new centre manager. It just so happened that Winston Moses was assisting at the warming centre that evening. Winston is a lay leader at the Anglican Church, so it was a joy to be able to hand the box of warm clothing from ACW to him. He immediately put these to good use with our homeless residents at the centre.

On behalf of the staff and residents at the Warming Centre, and the congregants at Inuvik Anglican Church, and the wider community of Inuvik, I would like to express our thanks for your generosity. May you be blessed for your kind service.

Myron Jespersen

Treasurer, Inuvik Emergency Warming Centre Society

PS: FYI, full disclosure, the NWT Housing Corporation has taken over operation of all of the shelter facilities in Inuvik (the warming or “wet” shelter, the “dry” shelter and the womens’ shelter) from July 2021. Last week, our IEWC society voted to dissolve after handing over remaining assets to NWT-HC. An informal group of us will continue to work alongside of NWT-HC to advocate for the homeless, search for long-term solutions and in the meantime supplement the government service through donations from within and outside the community.