What do you do with your milk bags? Do they have a use before going to the landfill? In the hall of All Saints Greely approximately 1,500 milk bags are diverted from the landfill each and every Tuesday evening. They are prepped and woven into sleeping mats and sit-upons which then provide a little bit of comfort and dryness to those living in difficult situations.
To date 319 large sleeping mats and 316 sit-upons have been shared with outreach organizations in the Ottawa area. Belong Ottawa, Shawna’s Outreach, JFS Streetsmarts, Highjinx, Ottawa Inner City Ministries, Somerset West Community Health Centre, are some of the organizations who hand them out where needed.
You might ask how a small but mighty congregation does this. The answer is simple. In June 2022, we asked the community to come, and the community came. They came from far and wide to weave and they are still coming. People from three years old to 95, with five new people dropping in just in January. Others prep the bags in their own homes.
On any Tuesday evening, you will find an average of 15 people in the hall, most of whom are from the community. We haven’t got an exact count, but we estimate our biggest turnouts have had at least 70 people.
Tuesday evenings are filled with camaraderie, non-stop chatter, sharing, laughter and often support for one another. When we held a winter warmth collection drive for outreach, someone dropping off items in the church thought there was a party happening in the back. Everyone is welcoming, non-judgemental and keen to reduce waste in the landfill and help others. Lifelong friendships have been made.
Last fall, we asked people why they come to weave. Wendy told us: “I love the people who attend. I really enjoy the great conversations and learn so much. I have made many new friends who are so kind and helpful and funny and cheerful. I like being able to contribute to a worthy cause and help other people.”
Penny said: “One Tuesday night I was really tired and didn’t think I’d attend. Then I thought about the homeless having so much less than my blessed life. I felt I could give up two hours of my time to perhaps make their lives a little more comfortable. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to serve others. We have a lot of fun, too.”
Lynn responded “I kept seeing Facebook messages and was interested, but I passed by a few posts before I decided to take the drive to Greely and see what it was all about. I was intrigued by the idea of making mats out of milk bags and wanted to learn how to do it…. I must say that I felt a little intimidated at first, seeing that everyone seemed to know each other and definitely knew what they were doing, but I was welcomed in from that first night, which I really appreciate. Amazing people in this group, who are all very welcoming and cheerful and make it a fun time!”
Laura said: “It is a great way to help out those in need and also a great way to reduce the amount of plastic that makes its way to the landfill. Meeting all of you and hearing your stories has also kept me coming back.”
How dedicated are the weavers? At Christmas this year, we switched to Mondays so that we wouldn’t miss weeks during the holidays. The push was on to finish the 300th sleeping mat by the end the year, and on Dec. 30th that was our unspoken goal, and we didn’t leave until it was done.
Do the mats actually make a difference? Yes! Streetsmarts told us of giving a mat to someone who was so excited to go home, throw out his bed, and replace it with a milk bag mat as his building was ridden with bedbugs and the bugs do not like plastic. Someone who received a mat from Ottawa Inner City Ministries told them: “I love this. It’s so warm. I won’t freeze tonight.” A man shared with Shawna’s Outreach that it is the reason he’s still alive. He has carried it to Montreal and back and can’t imagine being without it. They have also been seen lining a tent to provide some insulation from the cold. A mat was also given to someone who was newly house but didn’t have a real bed yet.
Interested in learning or hearing more about this outreach ministry? Just ask, as we would be more than happy to come and share a presentation with you.
Do you have milk bags to donate? Donations of clean dry milk bags are always welcome. Flattened is helpful but not necessary. We just love milk bags. They can be dropped off at the church in the bin outside, any Tuesday evening between 7 and 9pm or, contact us to make other arrangements.
The need is great and with God’s help, your help, and the help of our amazing local community we will continue to make a difference one bag at a time.
Saint John, Innisville — Deanery of the Southwest