Altar Guild members gather in Smiths Falls

By Debbie Tweedle

Diocesan Altar Guild members were greeted with coffee, tea, and muffins put on by Ann Hare, St John’s Altar Guild and ACW when they gathered for the annual general meeting in September in Smiths Falls. 

Bishop Shane Parker led the Holy Eucharist and was assisted by the Rev. Canon Catherine Ascah. Sterling Bennett provided the music for the service. 

The bishop’s homily began with thanks to St. John’s and the Diocesan Altar Guild. He reflected on the Queen’s death and how that was going to affect churches in the Diocese, including the Cathedral as they prepared for a memorial service for Her Majesty. He remarked on her strong witness of faith in Christ. 

Bishop Shane spoke of St. John’s celebration of the life and ministry of Edmund James Jack, priest and missionary to the Inuit. He mentioned the Diocese has the largest population of Inuit outside of the North. He also expressed his gratitude to all members of Altar Guilds in the diocese for our service.

 A short business meeting was held after the service. All vestments that the executive and Leslie Worden had on hand have found new homes. Sandra Clark, treasurer, presented her report.  When she asked for suggestions  for distribution of the free will offering, Altar Guild members voted to donate to the Carebridge Community Support, specifically for the affordable housing unit being built in Smiths Falls). 

Guest speaker Paul Bylington, a member of St. John’s Altar Guild, spoke on the theme of “In the Cross of Christ.” Paul had on display and spoke about the large collection of crosses that he had acquired from various countries. 

Following the meeting, members were treated to a wonderful lunch put on by St. John’s ACW.  We look forward to getting together again in 2023 when Christ Church Bells Corners will be our host.