Anglican celebrations at Garrison Petawawa

15. Squires ordination
The Diocese of Ottawa and the Diocese of Central Newfoundland as Lt..Cmdr. Matthew Squires was ordained as a transitional deacon of the Diocese of Central Newfoundland jointly by Rt. Rev. Nigel Shaw Bishop of the Anglican Military Ordinariate, and Rt. Rev. John E. Watton of the Diocese of Central Newfoundland.

By Hilda Young

St. George Chapel Garrison Petawawa is the chapel on base that encompasses all the Christian denominations except the Roman Catholic. On Saturday, Jan. 28 and Sunday, Jan.29, the Anglicans celebrated two important events in the life of their community. On Saturday, the chapel hosted clergy from the Diocese of Ottawa and the Diocese of Central Newfoundland as Lt..Cmdr. Matthew Squires was ordained as a transitional deacon of the Diocese of Central Newfoundland jointly by Rt. Rev. Nigel Shaw Bishop of the Anglican Military Ordinariate, and Rt. Rev. John E. Watton of the Diocese of Central Newfoundland.

The event was supported by the chaplains on the garrison, both Protestant and Roman Catholic, as well as local Anglican clergy from the Parish of the Valley. Nathanial Glandon, who was the acolyte, was just confirmed by Bishop Shaw last November.

On Sunday, Bishop Shaw confirmed Autumn Bridgewater and Alex Whittaker. When Bishop Shaw visited in November, he also confirmed Tristan and Isabell Glandon and Isla Bridgewater. The children being confirmed are all children of current or retired military members. Alex Whittaker is a commander of a unit on the garrison. It is a way to get the families more involved in the chapel community.

  • Hilda Young is a parishioner at St. George Chapel, Garrison Petawawa and has contributed other articles to Crosstalk

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