Christ Church Anglican in Long Sault, Ont. hosted its first in-person event since the beginning of the pandemic on Nov. 27 with the “Make It, Bake It, Sew It, Grow It” fundraiser. With an admission price of five dollars, people enjoyed refreshments and fellowship with both a silent auction as well as a live auction of items such as crocheted or knitted items and tasty treats.
The Rev. Adam Brown, assistant curate at the church, mentioned the event provided an “opportunity to see a sense of normalcy in our lives”, with Archdean Peter Crosby commenting the evening was “a great idea” for the community to come together. Brown noted that this has been an annual event for more than 20 years. (It was virtual in 2020.) There was a good turnout of people, without being overcrowded and following Eastern Ontario Health Unit pandemic protocols. Nancy Hallberg, one of the event organizers, commented it was “a very successful evening on many levels not the least of which was the social benefits” and raised just over $3,600 for the church.
Hamilton Hall, Hawkesbury — Stormont Deanery