January 2023 Issue

Five new members of the clergy ordained

Tall evergreen tree reaching above the rest of the forest in Gatineau Park

When the prayers of our hearts cannot be put into words …

There are 800 hectares of forest in the Gatineau Hills that are very familiar to me. I lived on the edge of this forest for ...

Affordable housing: overcoming challenges in 2023

There is good evidence that 2023 will see positive progress for all the diocese’s five affordable housing projects. The last two years have been challenging. ...

A fond farewell for Heidi Fawcett, diocesan events maven

There was bittersweet news at the November meeting of Diocesan Council when Bishop Shane Parker let council members know that events and communications co-ordinator Heidi ...

Diocesan solicitor Robin MacKay retires

Canon Robin MacKay has retired from his position as diocesan solicitor, which he has held since since 2019. Prior to that he was chancellor of ...

Sharron Hamilton retires from the Day Programs management board

Sharon Hamilton is stepping down from her position as chair of the management board for the Anglican Day programs. “Sharron has been a key person ...

St. Bart’s restored Geddes window rededicated

Remembrance Sunday Nov. 6, 2022 in the Guards’ Chapel -— On Remembrance Sunday in 2021, St. Barts launched a two-part capital campaign to restore the ...

Area Parish of the St. Lawrence in action

When Kathy Lucking, a Canadian elementary school teacher, volunteered in an orphanage in Madagascar in 2007, she was struck by the number of children who ...

Making a difference one bag at a time

“So this is what is going on at the church in Greely on Tuesday nights,” was one of many comments heard at All Saints Greely’s ...

St. Stephen’s provides Inuit drums for the children of Iqaluit

A long relationship has existed between St. Stephen’s Anglican Church in Ottawa and the people of Iqaluit, Nunavut. Many of the congregation, from teenagers to grandparents,  ...

AMR’s presence at Synod draws interest and ideas

“I stopped by the All My Relations Circle’s display table at Synod 2022, and I’m glad I did! I learned about the range of resources ...

Young adults shine bright at Synod 2022

This year I was invited to gather a group of young people to be observers at our diocesan Synod. This allowed them to participate as ...

We have seen a star at its rising

The Feast of Epiphany on Jan. 6 represents the continuation of the Christmas feast as we celebrate the arrival of the Magi to visit the ...

Saint Peter’s, Purdy

Neither the place name Bangor nor Purdy appears in traditional accounts or maps of the parishes and missions of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa. It ...
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