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Getting to know the neighbours

The Rev. Gary van der Meer was appointed by Bishop Shane Parker as the Diocese of Ottawa’s new interfaith officer, following the retirement of the

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Virtual fundraiser hits a new height

The second annual Building a Community of Hope virtual fundraising event, which took place in October and included a virtual tour of the diocesan Community

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Dec. 3 Compline for Advent  7 p.m. Christ Church Cathedral — (414 Sparks St., Ottawa) Live-stream only at Dec. 5 Advent II  Christ Church

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Amending Canons and Bylaws to fill in some gaps

Synod delegates passed eight motions making changes to the diocesan Canons, Bylaws and Regulations. Episcopal Elections Chancellor Henry Schultz explained that the motions relating to

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Communicating who we are

Communications has been top among the Diocese’s four strategic priorities. Brian Cameron, chair of the Diocesan communications advisory panel, began his report to Synod by

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Plans for the anniversary

Aside from its work to create 125 affordable housing units, Bishop Shane asked the Communications Advisory Panel to think of ways that the 125th anniversary