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Clergy News

The opening Eucharist Service for the 2021 Diocesan Synod on the evening of Oct. 28 at Christ Church Cathedral was also a service of installation

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Promote your parish events! Crosstalk’s events calendar has looked different during the pandemic, but now that it is possible to gather again, it is a

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Giving gifts that mean more

If you are shopping for a Christmas gift for someone who is difficult to buy for, seems to have everything or if you just want

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Clergy news

The Rev. Canon Kenneth Davis has been appointed to the Cathedral Canonry of Saint Deborah, effective Oct. 1, 2021.  The Rev. Dr. Caroline Ducros has

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Silver linings

Later, you will say to yourself, “I will always remember where I was when…” There are some moments in your life that are absolutely pivotal,

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Introducing Gwen Lévesque

Gwen Lévesque, chair of the Cathedral Hill Foundation since June 2020, is a chartered professional accountant who was a regional director with the Canada Revenue