

Ainsley Moore /

Letter to the editor

Dear Editor February’s Anglican Journal article, ‘Rethinking darkness and light; Leaders in the Lutheran and United churches on language and anti-Blackness’, describes the damaging impact

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Mask-makers! 510 Rideau / Shawenjeagamik has said they would welcome cloth masks that are dark colours, as the majority of their clients are male.  Carrie

National Worship Conference logo

National Worship Conference 2021 goes virtual

The National Planning Committee of the Anglican Lutheran National Worship Conference (NWC) announced in March that this year’s conference will be held online.  The 2020

Archdeacon Peter Crosby

More COR memories

I have been thinking of many treasured memories of COR and how much COR meant to our family…husband Ron and daughters Rhonda and Rosemary. …Our girls

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