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June 2024 Clergy News

The Rev. Jonathan Askwith has been appointed as Interim Associate Incumbent of the parish of St. Helen’s Orleans, effective May 29, 2024.  The Rev. John

Petra Ghazleh and Bishop Shane Parker.

Na’mat allah wa salamoh Ma’akom!

Bishop Shane Parker sent a video greeting to Archbishop Hosam Naoum and Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem assuring them that they are being upheld by their

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May 2024 Clergy News

Le révérend chanoine Kevin Flynn a été nommé titulaire (mi-temps) de la paroisse de St-Bernard de Clairvaux, à compter du 1er mai 2024.   Liana

Close up view of three cream and yellow daffodils

Alleluia! Christ is risen

The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day John 20:1-18  The Empty Tomb Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark,