Ron Brophy walked members of Synod through the step-by-step guide for contextual mission that is posted on the diocesan website (in the For Parishes section)
Three broad categories of contextual mission were mentioned:
Loving service – supporting those who experience some form of need for advocacy, social support, or material assistance.
Community collaboration — a new working partnership with other organizations, other churches, or with other groups to serve the needs of the broader community
New worshipping communities – a gathering of people where Christian faith is nourished and discipleship in Jesus Christ is practiced in a new place, in a new mode or manner, or to a new community
For leaders’ courses, the Rev. Colin McFarland said that the Contextual Mission Sub-committee had identified two suggestions. The Niagara School for Missional Leadership, based in the Diocese of Niagara, and St. Andrew’s Hall Certificate for Missional Leadership both offer courses. The Contextual Mission sub-committee is going to offer a course based on John Bowen’s book The Unfolding Gospel: How the Good News Makes Sense of Discipleship, Church, Mission and Everything Else.
Caileen Dolan presented some information about the diocesan Future Fund, which will provide grants for contextual mission initiatives and new worshipping communities. There are two grant cycles on March 15 or Nov. 1. The amounts can range from less than $1,000 to $10,000 depending on the project. A parish is allowed one successful application per year.
Hamilton Hall, Hawkesbury — Stormont Deanery