The Rt. Rev. Shane Parker and Katherine Shadbolt-Parker
Sheela Albert, Aleesha Katery and Praf Katery, Christ Church Cathedral
(L to R) Zixuan Zhao, Félix Chen, Madeleine Gomery, Corey Graham and Evan Desilets celebrate the new year at the Cathedral.
The Very Rev. Beth Bretzlaff is Dean of Christ Church Cathedral.
Jane Waterston, St. Margaret’s Vanier and Crosstalk designer, with Dr. Gwynneth Evans, Christ Church Cathedral and All My Relations
The Rt. Rev. Eric Bays and Dr. Patricia Bays, All Saints Westboro
The Rev. Rob Davis and the Rev. Cathy Davis
The Rev. Jarrett Carty, Archbishop Linda Nicholls and Bishop Shane Parker processing out after the service.
Gaye Richardson, St. John Evangelist Ottawa and Multifaith Housing
Dawn Bell-Jack and Judith Dowler are both members of the Cathedral congregation.
From west end Ottawa came the Rev. Rhondda MacKay, Marni Crossley and Janet Allingham.
Neilda Hayes, the Rev. Rick Vroom, Catherine Chapman and the Rt. Rev. John Chapman
Caroll Carkner, chair of the education committee, and Sylvia Milne
The Ven. Monique Stone, Christ Church Bells Corners
James Calkin, director of music and organist, Christ Church Cathedral
The Rev. Mary-Cate Garden, Parish of Huntley
The Rev. Canon George Kwari, St. Stephen’s, Ottawa
Lorna and Gary Graham of St. Thomas, Stittsville enjoy a chat with Archbishop Nicholls.
Le repentir : Le chemin de la vie