The Rev. Gillian Hoyer holds her son Thomas while her daughter Lily waters a seedling.

Greening the diocese and supporting a PWRDF partner in Uganda

A group of people surround Kate Jackson as she cuts a purple ribbon to open the new residence.

Diocese celebrates success creating more than 150 affordable housing units

The Anglican Diocese of Ottawa is celebrating the success of its 125th anniversary campaign to create 125 new deeply affordable housing units. Three projects scheduled ...
Cornwall Mayor Justin Towndale, Millennial Contracting's Matthew Daigle and Shawn Kyer, MPP Nolan Quinn, the Rev. Canon PJ Hobbs, the Rev. Adam Brown, Centre 105 board chair Maria Crosby, Ontario Trillium Foundation representative George Christoff, and Centre 105 executive director Taylor Seguin.

Centre 105 celebrates important renovation

Centre 105 hosted a celebration on April 12, thanking the Ontario Trillium Foundation for a $106,000 capital grant, which has paid for the construction of ...

The path forward as we change, learn and thrive

I have written before of how the people and clergy of our diocesan church joined me in a three-year long journey of honestly assessing where ...
Exterior of Cornerstone's new emergency shelter on Carling.

Bishop urges federal government to do more to house those in greatest need

Bishop Shane Parker has asked the federal government to do more to combat homelessness and the shortage of affordable housing. In a letter to Housing ...
The Rt. Rev. Shane Parker

From our Bishop

Marking the Season of Creation

In the appointment agreement I provide to the Incumbents and Associate Incumbents of our parishes, expectations concerning worship are clearly laid out in these words: ...

Encountering the rock of our faith

In a gently rounded bay on the northwest shore of the Lake of Galilee is a place called Tabgah. There, nestled close to the water, ...

The path of reconciliation continues to beckon us

Our church has consciously chosen to walk the path of reconciliation, enabling Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to form relationships based on mutual respect. Reconciliation is ...


Listening for God’s voice and following

When I was young, I worked for several summers on my Uncle George’s farm. It was a dairy farm which meant that every morning we ...

Northern lights dazzle in Canadian night skies

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.  Psalm 19:1 Ottawa and Gatineau were treated to a glorious display of ...

“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.”

By The Ven. Peter Crosby Some books read like a good visit with a trusted soul friend. The Gift of Years, Growing Old Gracefully by ...
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