Gathered by our bishop, animated by our dean, and anchored by our cathedral, ADOy (Anglican Diocese of Ottawa Youth) represents a new expression of ministry, for, with, and by young people within the life of our diocesan church. ADOy will be rooted in the ministries of local parishes and congregations. Parish clergy will play a critical role as connectors, helping to draw together young people from all regions of our diocese, inviting them into an ever-deepening relationship with God and with each other.
Opportunities to gather young people from across our diocese will be offered on a seasonal basis, in conjunction with the life and work of our parish ministries. The overarching aim of ADOy will be the building of meaningful and trusting relationships through experiential learning. The vision for ADOy is to intentionally cultivate spaces of safety and creativity in parishes across our diocese, where young people can explore and test their vocations, exercise leadership, grow in their baptismal faith, and—most importantly—have fun!
ADOy will be for young people ages 12 to 18, broadly speaking—recognizing that age is a spectrum and that some participants in ADOy activities may be slightly younger or older. To ensure continuity, we will establish ADOy+ to enable and support those in their 20s to self-organize, connect, and gather. A resource hub and a knowledge network will also be developed for those providing ministry to young people.
Please mark your calendars for the ADOy Meet and Greet at Christ Church Cathedral on Saturday, Oct. 19th from 10 am to 2 pm. It will be a fun day of getting to know one another and our Cathedral. Watch our website and social media platforms for more details.
Hamilton Hall, Hawkesbury — Stormont Deanery