Ottawa Valley service highlights partnership and charity

Parish of the Valley
Parish of the Valley
By on March 1, 2023

By the Rev. Claire Bramma

In contrast to the grey skies and snow flurries during the afternoon of Sunday, Jan. 22, the light and hope of being united in Jesus Christ prevailed when just over 60 people gathered at Grace Lutheran Church in Eganville for a special service of prayer during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The service was organized by the Eganville Ministerial group made up of ministers from the Anglican Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lily of the Valley Ministries, Roman Catholic Church and United church. It can also be said by the make-up of the congregation was a visible sign of God’s grace at work, bringing together people from across the Ottawa Valley from different background and denominations, in solidarity with what unites Christians at the core of their faith – love for God in Jesus Christ and love for neighbour.


This year’s theme was based on an important Bible verse about how to live out a life of faith: “learn to do good, seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow.” (Isaiah 1:17) The Rev. Gale Edmondson (former chair of the Eganville and District Food Bank, EDFB) shared a story about how the genesis of the EDFB was a response to the growing food insecurity in the region. The story also shed light on how partnership between church ministers, responding to Jesus’ command to “Feed My Sheep” (John 21:5), blossomed into a wider community endeavour that would have positive and transformative impacts. Rev. Edmondson’s story concluded with an anecdote about how a former client of the food bank, who eventually become a donor, expressed their deepest gratitude to them for the role that the food bank played in their life.

This story reminded all present that responding to the call to love God and one’s neighbour can bring tangible results—not only seeing others flourish but also inspiring others to be compassionate.

The Rev. Claire Bramma, Parish of the Valley; the Rev. Ralph Weigold, Grace Lutheran Church; the Rev. Gale Edmondson, Parish of the Valley; the Rev. Matthew Brown, Parish of the Valley; Michelle Robichaud, Melville United Church.

Parish of the Valley
Parish of the Valley


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