Sharing news from the National Cursillo Triennial meeting

Archbishop Linda Nicholls celebdrates the Eucharist.
Archbishop Linda Nicholls gave the keynote address and celebrated the Eucharist at the Sunday service. Photo: Contributed
By on September 23, 2024

It was my privilege to attend the National Triennial Meeting of the Anglican Cursillo Movement, which was held at St. Philip, Cedar, in Nanaimo, B.C. in June. Every three years, this meeting brings together all the active diocesan secretariats and representatives from across Canada to attend the Annual General Meeting and be able to share in a weekend of worship and fellowship Cursillo style! The weekend was hosted and catered by the Cursillo community in Nanaimo and was done to perfection.

At the present time, there are only a few dioceses with active secretariats who meet regularly and have an annual Cursillo weekend. The dioceses of Calgary, Edmonton, Huron, Islands and Inlets (formerly the Diocese of British Columbia), Niagara, The Northern Lights (formerly Rupert’s Land) and Ottawa were represented at this year’s meeting. Sadly, the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island had just voted to close Cursillo before the triennial meeting.


The weekend was structured in an Ultreya model with opportunities for worship and continuous music in the chapel. There was a choice of two workshops—one on Pastoral Listening and the other on reimagining the future of Cursillo. Lots of active conversation ensued.

We also had a wonderful presentation from retired Bishop Logan McMenamie, formerly the Bishop of the Diocese of Islands and Inlets, who shared reflections on his lenten walk from Alert Bay to Victoria in the spring of 2016. As he journeyed, he sought permission to enter each Indigenous community as an act of contrition and repentance for the Anglican church’s role in colonizing the land and the Indian residential school system. An insightful discussion followed with many more stories shared.

We were also privileged to have the Primate, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, share in our fellowship. She joined us on the Saturday to give the keynote address, celebrate at our worship service and take part in the installation of the national executive for the next three years.

The whole weekend was one of connecting with old friends and making so many new friendships Hats off with thanks and a grateful heart to our gracious hosts, the Cursillo community in Nanaimo for a wonderful weekend.

Archbishop Linda Nicholls with the Rev. Leslie Flynn at St. Philip
Archbishop Linda Nicholls joined those gathered for the Cursillo triennial meeting in Nanaimo, B.C. She led the Eucharist service with St. Philip Incumbent the Rev. Leslie Flynn.




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