St. John the Apostle Anglican Church, Vankleek Hill began its 170th anniversary celebrations by hosting a wine & cheese fellowship afternoon on Aug. 31, 2024. The first service in St. John’s church was held in August of 1854. Parishioners, family members and friends joined us during the afternoon in our church hall to enjoy the fellowship and the historical memorabilia and artifacts on display.
Our rector, the Rev. Bob Albert, read a congratulatory letter from retired Bishop John Chapman, who spent his formative years here in Vankleek Hill. His father, the Rev. Donald Chapman, was our rector from 1963 to 1970, and his son attended public school and high school at Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute. In his letter, Bishop Chapman credited the people of Vankleek Hill parish; “for forming me well so that I too was able to become deeply rooted in faith, hold a desire for good works and a longing to exercise the ministry of Jesus.”
St. John’s has been blessed with 170 years of God’s faithfulness.
Saint John, Innisville — Deanery of the Southwest