
December 2023

The Rev. Kerri Brennan

Approved: A Plan for Parish Development

The Rev. Kerri Brennan presented a Plan for Parish Development (Action 10 of the strategic plan) that was adopted by Synod. She explained that the ...
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Tracy Albert addresses Synod

Balanced budget approved with reduced Proportional Parish Share

Tracy Albert, chair of the Property and Finance Committee, and Sanjay Grover, director of financial ministry, presented a balanced budget to Synod for the three-year ...
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Hospital director stands in a destroyed office.

Gaza hospital partner closes to new patients

PWRDF has been responding to the ever-worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza since violence began October 7. We granted an initial $30,000 to long-standing partner, the Al-Ahli Arab ...
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Archbishop Hosam Naoum

Archbishops of Canterbury and Jerusalem issue a joint appeal for the Diocese of Jerusalem

On Oct. 24, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Archbishop Hosam Naoum issued a joint emergency appeal for the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. Writing about ...
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An antique carriage pulled by black horses

Early Bytown residents honoured

The City of Ottawa held a solemn ecumenical service honouring seven early citizens of Bytown as their remains were reinterred at Beechwood Cemetery on Oct. ...
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Two young girls sitting at a pipe organ

Cathedral partners with McGill and Royal Canadian College to introduce young musicians to the pipe organ

For more than five years, our Cathedral has benefitted from a close relationship with the organ and church music department at McGill University’s Schulich School ...
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Parishioners Hans Posthuma and Charlie Scromeda check out the small hot water tank.

Ascension finds funding to boost greening efforts

Church of the Ascension’s participation in the Ottawa Faith Community Capacity Building Program, co-sponsored by Greening Sacred Spaces and Watersheds Canada (Crosstalk, April 2023), which ...
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Liana Gallant and Valerie Maier of the Diocesan PWRDF working group at a display table

PWRDF launches “Branches of Hope” at Synod ’23

Was the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) Working Group operating a little pre-Christmas tree lot at Synod?  Such was not the case! Those ...
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Housing projects will surpass original goal of 125 units

Plans in various stages of development are on track to create 279 new affordable housing units across the diocese, more than double the original target ...
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