The Very Rev. Beth Bretzlaff was installed as Dean of Ottawa and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral at an evensong service on Nov. 22, with a liturgy celebrating the Reign of Christ.
At the same service, the Ven. Linda Hill was installed as Executive Archdeacon for the Diocese, and the Ven. Peter Crosby and the Ven. Mark Whittall were installed as Archdeacons for Stormont and Ottawa Centre, respectively.
The Rev. Canon Dr. Peter John Hobbs was installed as the Canon of St. Luke and the Rev. Canon Catherine Ascah was installed as the Canon of St. Hilda of Whitby.
“We are grateful as a diocesan church that they have accepted our Bishop’s appointments to serve in these ways,” Archdeacon Pat Johnston said in her sermon. “All of these have been called to particular positions of leadership in our diocesan church. Each is known for special gifts that enrich our common life, but one thing that all of them have in common… is an ability to see in a particular way, to see what time it is and what action should be taken. That insight ranges from knowing it is the right time to embark on a great, big new adventure like a housing project, or a church plant or a major renovation to extending pastoral care to a newcomer, learning new technologies for liturgies in COVID time, leading diocesan communities and ministries.”
Bretzlaff comes to her new ministries with a depth and diversity of experience. Since her ordination, she has served as a curate and priest-assistant at the Cathedral of St. Michael and All Angels in Kelowna, B.C.; as a child, youth and family educator in the Diocese of Dunedin, New Zealand, as well as working with youth caught in the justice system; chaplain at Ashbury College in Ottawa; and most recently as the Incumbent at St. John the Evangelist in the downtown core.
Johnston said Bretzlaff’s leadership and experience would equip her well to serve as dean and rector. “Your laughter, your insight, your love of the church, and your ability to move communities forward even in tough times like this pandemic we are all facing, are wonderful gifts that you bring to God’s people in this place.”
She added, “Beth, you have spoken about your coming to this community and sharing ministry from this place as a great adventure. We know you are a person who loves adventure. We pray that your ministry here will truly be an adventure of love.”
Health regulations during the pandemic meant that attendance had to be very limited, but the service was live-streamed and recorded with a link posted on the Cathedral’s website.
Hamilton Hall, Hawkesbury — Stormont Deanery