Way of Life

By Paul Dumbrille

People sometimes ask: “How can I lead a Christian life when faced with the busy demands, temptations and choices involved in living in today’s world?”  Christian writers throughout the years have suggested that we establish and follow a Rule of Life.  For me the phrase Way of Life is more useful. The first Christians were known as followers of “The Way” (Acts 9:2). What might a Christian Way of Life look like?

Regularity and Accountability

In today’s culture, the busyness of life, instant communications, constant interruptions, and seemingly endless choices, make it difficult to establish any sort of routine.  While we can’t control the world around us, we can control our reaction to it.  For our spiritual sanity and growth, we can put some regularity into our prayer life, our way of learning, our fellowship life, and our worship life.  Regularity and self-discipline do not mean rigidity. We need to be accountable to God, to ourselves, to others we know, to the Church, and to the world we live in.

The Way of Prayer

A Christian Way of Life includes a regular time for quiet prayer.  We are all unique; consequently, the ways in which we regularly practise prayer will be different.  Regular times of prayer and meditation are an essential ingredient in a Way of Life.

The Way of Study and Reflection

St. Paul said, “Have this mind in you which is in Christ Jesus.”  A Christian Way of Life involves nurturing our mind, seeking the truth through study and reflection.  Prayerful studying Scripture, and the writings of others, is essential to spiritual growth.  There are many resources available these days, but discipline and care are needed to choose those things that are useful for our inner growth. 

The Way of Fellowship

The Way of the Christian Life is not a solitary endeavour.  It involves the fellowship, encouragement, and companionship of others.  Probably the best way to practise the Way of Fellowship is to be part of a small Christian fellowship group.  Such things as participating in a regular Bible Study, being part of a Prayer Group, belonging to what the Cursillo Community calls a Group Reunion, are good ways of regularly praying, learning from each other and encouraging each other.

The Way of Worship 

The Christian life leads into the whole experience of the Body of Christ; a Way of Life always includes the corporate worship of the Church.  The Christian who establishes a Way of Life comes to the liturgical acts of the Church (worship) with the fervour that makes them spiritually alive and also ignites the faith of others. 

The Way of Christian Action 

The Christian Way of Life is not solely one of belief and trust in God; it is the way of getting beyond ourselves and serving others.  It is a Way of responding to the needs of others and showing the world what the Christian response is to the troubles and needs of those less fortunate than ourselves.  Our Mission is to help others and to bring the Christian message of love, reconciliation, and peace to those whom we encounter. 

One can find a more extensive discussion of “The Way of Life” on the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer website at: https://anglicanprayer.org/index.

A Prayer for Diocesan Synod

Holy God,

the navigator of our souls,

hear us as we hold up before you

the Synod of our Diocese.

Be with us in our yearning

to chart a new course together,

inspired by the presence of your Spirit.

Give courage to our Bishop,

all of our leaders, and each of us,

as we move forward

with your blessing.

For all we do, we do to your glory,

in Jesus’ name.

Paul Dumbrille is diocesan representative to the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer.