“I stopped by the All My Relations Circle’s display table at Synod 2022, and I’m glad I did! I learned about the range of resources and educational programming available through AMR and about their desire to reach out and encourage learning,” said Randi Goddard of St Matthews. She added, “All of these activities help to increase our understanding of how we, as single parishes and a Diocese, can build relationships in new and meaningful ways with Indigenous peoples.”
While visiting AMR’s table, Randi also sought ideas about how to display their ceramic feather in the church.
The items from Larry Langlois’s (Huron – Wendat) medicine bag attracted a lot of interest from visitors to the table. The display allowed people to touch and closely examine items such as an ulu — a traditional Inuit knife, a talking stick and a smudge bowl with the four medicines tobacco, cedar, sweetgrass and sage.
Meg Sinclair of Church of the Good Shepherd, Wakefield, was impressed by the resources such as The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and A Disciple’s Prayer Book from the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples. An avid reader who participates in the AMR Circle’s diocesan book group ‘Journeying as Allies,’ Meg said, after visiting the table, “I began to think about the possibility of having a book club in our area where we might discuss Indigenous literature locally and get to know others with similar interests.”
The Rev. Dr. Sarah Katheen Johnson, director of the Anglican Studies Program at Saint Paul University commented: “The presence of the All My Relations table and leadership at Synod provided an opportunity to learn more about important reflection and action taking place in the Diocese. It also raised the possibility of connection between AMR and the work of the Centre on the Churches, Truth, and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples in the Faculty of Theology at Saint Paul University.”
Looking Ahead
In June, during National Indigenous History Month and on Indigenous Day of Prayer (the Sunday closest to June 21) parishes offer prayers, readings, music and/or reflections as part of their journey of truth-telling and reconciliation. As this new year begins, we believe there are many benefits to thinking ahead to June and invite you to contact AMR Circle to share ideas, comments or questions.
Submitted by the All My Relations Circle
Hamilton Hall, Hawkesbury — Stormont Deanery