March 2025 Issue

The Very Rev. Richard Sewell stands by the entreance to St. Geroge's College, Jerusalem.

Archbishop, dean share views from Jerusalem in fundraiser for St. George’s College

Mountains in the Holy Land.

A Lenten journey to the Land of the Holy One

Let Light Shine: the Canadian Campaign for St. George’s is offering an online Lenten program for use in parishes or for individual study. River Through ...
Tall evergreen tree reaching above the rest of the forest in Gatineau Park

When the prayers of our hearts cannot be put into words

There are 800 hectares of forest in the Gatineau Hills that are very familiar to me. I lived on the edge of this forest for ...
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity clergy

Celebrating the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

Christians from multiple denominations gathered on Jan. 19 for a special worship service celebrating the 2025 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU). Each year, ...
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Ontario rebates the cost of ending chronic homelessness

Two small windfalls for Ontario residents have created an opportunity for shelters such as Cornerstone Housing for Women and affordable housing projects to appeal for ...
The Mark Ferguson Quartet can be heard at St. Paul's Osgoode for monthly jazz vespers. Mark Ferguson on piano and trombone; Mike Tremblay on saxophone and flute; John Geggie plays bass; and Jamie Holmes is on drums

Trying something new — contextual mission and new worshipping communities

Parishes throughout the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa are looking for new ways to engage in contextual mission. What is contextual mission? The context for Anglican ...
Nurses dressed in warm winter hats and coats.

Welcoming newcomers to Perth with Open Arms

During the early part of 2024, it became obvious in Perth that there was a noticeable increase in the number of newcomers arriving in town. ...
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The Future Fund launches — first application deadline on March 15

The Future Fund was created to financially support parishes’ efforts in contextual mission and new worshipping communities. Grant applications will be accepted twice per year. ...
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Anglican Foundation launches annual Say Yes! To Kids campaign

Registration for the Anglican Foundation of Canada’s (AFC) fifth annual Say Yes! to Kids (SYTK) campaign is now open. The 2025 campaign will launch on April 22 ...
Participants polish brass

You are Leaven mini-conference offers many inspirations

Close to 60 clergy and laypersons attended the You are Leaven Ottawa mini-conference held at St. Clare’s Anglican Church in Winchester, Ont. in the Parish ...
Yolande Parsons, the Rev. Julian Campbell, Carlene Lucas, and Sheila Pitt.

St. Mark’s, Ottawa thanks the Rev. Julian Campbell

Parishioners at St. Mark’s Anglican Church in Ottawa bid a fond farewell to the Rev. Julian Campbell at a gathering in the parish hall following ...
Christ on the Cross stained glass window

Reflections on the Cross

For me the journey of Lent is dominated by the long shadow of the Cross. The meaning of Christ’s sacrifice and my understanding and response ...
Black and white photo of the entrance to a grand house.

Hamilton Hall, Hawkesbury — Stormont Deanery

This gracious image, a small snapshot, shows Hamilton Hall—the elegant family home in which Charles Hamilton, the first Bishop of Ottawa, was raised at Hawkesbury, ...
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