Front row (l-r): Rev. Dr. Ron Hunt, Anne Nilson and wardens Debbie Cox and Anne Graham. Behind are: Bob McLaren, Joe Beckett, Mary Cross and Peggy Beckett. Absent from the photo were Cheryl Parks, Toni Morse-Smith, Norma Graham and Gayda Errett.

The Parish of Maberly-Lanark buys a farm

“We may be small in number, but we are mighty!” That’s what the Parish of Maberly-Lanark discovered in 2021 as parishioners raised funds for the

Gwynneth Evans, second from left, is now co-chair of All My Relations.

New chairs at the table

The All My Relations circle of the diocese met for a potluck supper to thank and honour the first chairs of this committee: Margaret Lemaire

Each of the priests ordained on Dec. 4 at Christ Church Cathedral were given a chalice, paten and Bible as signs of their authority to preach the Word of God and administer Holy sacraments.


Jan. 1, 2022 New Year’s Day Noon – Christ Church Cathedral (414 Sparks St., Ottawa) Diocese of Ottawa’s 125th Anniversary Choral Eucharist with Archbishop Linda

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ACW Update

Dear ACW friends,  Way back in May you arranged for your colleagues at St. Vincent de Paul in Alberta to purchase some warm winter clothing

Photo of Caroline Ducros ordination

First ordination of the new church year

On Dec. 4, the Reverends Caroline Ducros, Mark Lewis, Cynthia MacLachlan, and Robert Sicard were ordained at Christ Church Cathedral in Ottawa by Bishop Shane