


Photo of an icy scene with a sun ray

Listening for God to answer

The photograph accompanying this column was taken on March 13, 2020, a couple of days before everything changed in a heartbeat, and we took up

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Keeping one another’s spirits up on a long trek

I have written before about my snowshoe travels in the snow-laden forests of Algonquin Park—trips that lasted several days between destinations, by way of frozen creeks,

Bishop Shane and Albert Dumont walking on a path under a tree canopy

Reconciliation is not a spectator sport

In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada called upon the federal government, in collaboration with Indigenous Peoples, “to establish, as a statutory holiday,

collage of photos of a rainbow from a kayak

Paddling out of the storm

Last summer I took myself up to a large lake in Algonquin Park for an annual three-day silent, solo, retreat. Like all of you, I

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