Online stewardship resources

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By Jane Scanlon

The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) has done an excellent job of pivoting to provide online resources and webinars during the pandemic.  The Anglican Diocese of Ottawa is a TENS member and all of our congregations have access to these resources and webinars.

In addition to resources for your Stewardship campaigns, they are offering three virtual trainings.  One has already taken place in January. The other free virtual trainings will be available in August and October. Please look for more information about these webinars and for online registration.  TENS is also offering additional consulting packages to enhance stewardship formation in the Diocese.   As well, they will offer four custom virtual consultations for stewardship leaders.  I am planning to take full advantage of these offerings so that all of our congregations have access to them.

The webinars topics include a choice of:

  • Year-round Formation for Stewardship
  • Crafting a Mid-Year Budget and Stewardship Review
  • Recruiting, Training and Retaining Stewardship Leaders
  • Creating Compelling Stewardship Case Materials

A TENS webinar consists of 60 minutes of content presented on a slide deck.  Included will be up to 30 minutes of an optional Q&A session.  Please contact me for login access at [email protected] and then go to to look at the resources available. Now is the perfect time to begin your Stewardship ministry planning for 2021.  These resources will be very helpful!