For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love & self-discipline.
—2 Timothy 1:7
Even during a pandemic, I encourage you to think about messages of abundance and gratitude to share with your congregation(s).
Think about how people in the congregation can serve others who are lonely, struggling, suffering or at-risk at this time. There are plenty of ways to make that connection if your parish leadership thinks creatively and considers the abundance of gifts available.
The stewardship message does not always have to be about money; instead it could be about opportunities for mission.
How is your congregation engaged in communities and helping others now?
How is it being the light in the midst of the darkness?
I believe these are very important questions for all of us to pray about and consider at this point in time.
Please send any of your creative initiatives that might inspire others to [email protected]. Thank you!
Hamilton Hall, Hawkesbury — Stormont Deanery