When it comes to housing society’s vulnerable citizens, creating safe, accessible and adequate spaces is just the beginning.
As the diocese’s goal of creating 125 affordable housing units has been reached and surpassed, attention has turned to making sure that the tenants are successfully housed and supported.
Christ Church Bells Corners is moving ahead with a support system for Hollyer House. “Our focus is the dignity of the resident,” says Archdeacon Monique Stone.
And even before sod is turned on its 15-unit residence, Community Housing Initiative Perth (CHIP) led by St. James the Apostle is planning for a team of “navigators” with lived experience to work alongside new tenants who need a helping hand with running a household.
Christ Church Bells Corners (CCBC) whose 35-unit Hollyer House opened last year, has established a residents support fund with initial funding of $4,000. (As of March, 11 of Hollyer’s 35 units had been rented.)
The fund allows CCBC to purchase items for residents such as linens and dish towels. The fund can be used for anything that is needed by a resident that is best purchased new rather than used.
As well, the parish has a residents support coordinator, Cath Seguin, who has been involved in the Hollyer project from the beginning. She is available to contact or be contacted by new tenants who are in need of help. An initial “welcome package” is provided to residents as they move in.
Counselling for the most vulnerable – usually those relocating from Cornerstone Housing for Women’s emergency shelter and Chysalis House shelter — is available from the Support Services division of the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre located on the ground floor of Hollyer House.
Tenants who come from the City of Ottawa’s social housing wait list have the added benefit of the support of a social worker.
In Perth, St. James the Apostle volunteers are hoping to break ground on CHIP’s project this year. The Rev. Canon Ken Davis has met with staff at the Table Community Food Centre who employ a group of “navigators” with lived experience to help clients access needed services.
He says the idea of an “alongsider ministry” is the echo from a Syrian refugee sponsorship program of which St. James and the diocese were huge supporters.
“Each family had an amazing team helping with everything from banking, language, healthcare and childcare.”
Stephanie Corrin, social justice and advocacy coordinator of The Table’s community food centre and colleagues have agreed to train teams of two screened volunteer “alongsiders” for each of the planned 15 units. Recruiting and training will begin once construction is well under way. The coordinator of the teams — and probably some volunteers — will be from St. James.
Corrin says her office is willing to work with volunteers, share experience and expertise, and be prepared to address and assist with any individual concerns that arise for the CHIP residents.
Saint John, Innisville — Deanery of the Southwest