
Holy Land

Petra Ghazleh and Bishop Shane Parker.

Na’mat allah wa salamoh Ma’akom!

Bishop Shane Parker sent a video greeting to Archbishop Hosam Naoum and Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem assuring them that they are being upheld by their ...
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A crowd of Christians gather at Parliament Hill holding up signs from participating communities.

Walking, praying and advocating for peace in the Holy Land

Christians and church leaders from multiple denominations came together in Ottawa on May 22 to call for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war and for ...
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St. John the Evangelist parishioners holding candles at the outdoor peace vigil in downtown Ottawa on March 6.

Praying for peace

As news of starvation mixed with already overwhelming levels of destruction and death in Gaza, Anglicans were among Christians from diverse denominations gathered at Knox ...
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Dean Richard Sewell shares view of the war in Gaza and Israel and urgent need for ceasefire

As news of the war in Israel and Palestine and humanitarian disaster in Gaza worsens daily, Bishop Shane Parker shared and commended a recent video ...
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Friends gathered in Jerusalem making palm crosses

“We are the living stones….Do not forget us”

This year I celebrate the twentieth anniversary of my relationship with our companion Diocese of Jerusalem. My first pilgrimage the land of the Holy One ...
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Archdeacon Imad Zoorob

“We are calling out for peace”

The Ven. Imad Zoorob brought greetings from Archbishop Hosam Naoum and the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem to Christ Church Cathedral in Ottawa on Jan. 7. ...
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Hand holding a ragged blue butterfly

Christians in the Holy Land are “a butterfly between two hands,” bishop says

As new horrors of the war in Israel and Gaza unfold each day, Bishop Shane Parker told a January meeting of Diocesan Council for the ...
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