January 2021 Issue

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It’s not too late to get involved with affordable housing projects

Grand Lake, Algonquin Park, January 2011

Listening and learning in the deep winter forest and on our journey through the pandemic

I have spent many hours on snowshoes. When I was a young man, I would travel with friends for several days in the snow-laden forests of ...
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Clergy and staff news

Sarah Davis has been appointed  Executive Director of Cornerstone Housing for Women, effective Feb. 1, 2021.  The Rev. George Kwari has been appointed Co-ordinator of ...
Churchwarden Peter Hunt joined the Rev. Canon PJ Hobbs (who knows the parish well), Incumbent Archdeacon Kathryn Otley and Bishop Shane Parker for the groundbreaking.

Ground breaking excitement for the Housing Project for Bells Corners

Officials from all three levels of government and the diocese gathered on Nov. 13 at Christ Church Bells Corners (CCBC) to break ground for the ...
On Nov. 22, Bishop Shane Parker installed the Very Rev. Beth Bretzlaff as the new Dean of the Diocese of Ottawa and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral in the company of archdeacons and representative members of the Cathedral parish. Parker blessed a cope given to Bretzlaff by her former parish of St. John the Evangelist in Ottawa.

Very Reverend Beth Bretzlaff installed as Dean and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral

The Very Rev. Beth Bretzlaff was installed as Dean of Ottawa and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral at an evensong service on Nov. 22, with ...
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What does a Dean do?

Following Crosstalk’s November article “Welcoming the new Dean,” a reader wrote to ask for more information about what the role of the Dean of the ...
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Virtual Walk-a-thon a real success

The Virtual  Walk-a-thon for our Centretown Emergency Food Centre on Oct. 4 was an amazing  success. We have been blessed. We raised $34,000. A number ...
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A Few of My Favourite Things

While news of vaccines on the way are a bright point of hope, it seems we all have some months ahead of coping with a ...
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Today 4 Tomorrow gives hope!

Today 4 Tomorrow (T4T) partners with four day programs, five shelters for women, counselling support services, refugee services, and outreach ministries such as the Youth ...
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Workshop offers seniors financial planning information

Financial planning can be a daunting or overwhelming task at any age. On Nov. 27, the Diocese partnered with a Lutheran charitable foundation and the ...
Bishop John and Catherine Chapman enjoying his retirement.

I’ve given up waiting!

Like many of you, I keep hoping that next month may be different and finally I might have the opportunity to see the “face of ...
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Remember that we do not walk alone

In the ending of the old year and the beginning of the New Year we are bombarded with endless lists of the top 10 movies, ...
Christ Church Cathedral

Cathedral Deanery

We see here Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa, as photographed from the southwest by William James Topley in 1899. So inferior was the design reputation of ...
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Hospital ministries carry on

The provincial lockdown which began in March has curtailed in-person visits with patients at the Ottawa Hospital (TOH), which means that both campuses are off-limits ...
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Anglican Church Women

Dear friends, These long months of dealing with COVID-19 have been a brand-new experience for all of us. Easter, summer holidays, Thanksgiving and now Christmas ...
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