Saint John the Evangelist, Ottawa

Here we are in downtown Ottawa in the mid to late 1870s in the upper storey of a building on Rideau Street, looking north along

Archival photo of Saint Paul Shawville

Saint Paul, Shawville—West Quebec Deanery

Up until a decade ago, this photograph dating from circa 1910 would have been a revelation to members of Saint Paul’s, Shawville. Where, they would

exterior view of St. James, Wright

Wright in the Laurentian Hills

Something looks familiar about this rural house of worship, but it is hard to place at first. Wright, of course, is the name of the

15. Archives - March 2023

Clapboard buttresses

What are we to make of Saint Mark’s Church, Avonmore, viewed here as photographed in the mid twentieth century?  It looks so pristine, so perfect,

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