• Leigh Anne Williams

    Leigh Anne Williams is the editor of Crosstalk and Perspective. Before coming to the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa, she was a staff writer at the Anglican Journal and the Canadian correspondent for Publishers Weekly. She has also written for TIME Magazine and the Toronto Star.

    View all posts [email protected]


Anne-Marie Clysdale

Telling our Parish Ministry Story

Archdeacon Monique Stone led Synod members in an interactive exercise to help tell the stories of their parish ministries. Clergy and lay representatives collaboratively described

Chancellor Henry Schultz

Canons and Bylaws updated

Several motions to amend the Diocesan Canons and Bylaws were presented by Chancellor Henry Schultz. These proposed: changes to parish governance, including a motion to

Ron Brophy

Contextual Mission guide online

Ron Brophy walked members of Synod through the step-by-step guide for contextual mission that is posted on the diocesan website (in the For Parishes section)

Caroll Carkner

Learning Commons created

Executive Archdeacon Linda Hill and Caroll Carkner, Chair of the education committee, reminded Synod members that at the 2023 meeting, plans were made to revise

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