Each year, a different church in Hawkesbury or Vankleek Hill hosts an ecumenical prayer service to mark World Day of Prayer. This year’s service was held at St. Jude’s Roman Catholic Parish in Hawkesbury on Friday, March 1 with participation from Paroisse St-Pierre-Âpotre of Hawkesbury as well as Knox Presbyterian, Trinity United, St. John the Apostle Anglican, and Paroisse St-Grégoire-de-Naziane in Vankleek Hill.
In 2025, the service will be hosted by St. John the Apostle Anglican Church in Vankleek Hill. Donna McMillan and Carol Carkner in the centre of the photo (above) accepted the World Day of Prayer candle, which is passed from each host church to the next, from Lina Beck (left) and Father Rick Lorenz (right) of St. Jude’s.
Love yourself as your neighbour