September 2024

The Very Rev. Roger Briggs

Remembering the Very Rev. Roger Briggs (1936-2024)

The Very Rev. Roger Briggs, 87, a former Dean of the Diocese of the Arctic who helped establish and nurture the Inuit congregation at St. ...
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Participants in the 2023 Walk

Walking for the Centretown food centre

   Food insecurity in Ottawa continues to be a tough reality for many people. All community food banks have concerns with the increased number of ...
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Exterior view

St. John, Antrim — Deanery of the Southwest

We may well ponder what the good farmers of the Antrim vicinity were thinking when they began drawing timbers and other construction materials to build ...
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Dairy cows at sunset

Listening for God’s voice and following

When I was young, I worked for several summers on my Uncle George’s farm. It was a dairy farm which meant that every morning we ...
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Northern lights over Gatineau

Northern lights dazzle in Canadian night skies

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.  Psalm 19:1 Ottawa and Gatineau were treated to a glorious display of ...
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The Rev. Dr. Jon Martin

Videos will help parishes prepare to thrive

If September puts you in a back-to-school mood with an urge to learn, the Parish Development sub-committee may have just the thing for you. This ...
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A crowd of Christians gather at Parliament Hill holding up signs from participating communities.

Walking, praying and advocating for peace in the Holy Land

Christians and church leaders from multiple denominations came together in Ottawa on May 22 to call for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war and for ...
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Exterior view of St. Albans

St. Albans — the upstairs neighbour

Belong Ottawa at Centre 454’s closest neighbour is St. Albans Anglican Church. Having shared the building since 2012, co-habiting is part of the DNA of ...
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Belong Ottawa at Centre 454: Getting by with help from friends

In its 70th year, Belong Ottawa at Centre 454 has a long history of offering compassionate care to the most vulnerable people in the city, ...
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