June 2023 Issue

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It’s not too late to get involved with affordable housing projects

Grand Lake, Algonquin Park, January 2011

Listening and learning in the deep winter forest and on our journey through the pandemic

I have spent many hours on snowshoes. When I was a young man, I would travel with friends for several days in the snow-laden forests of ...
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Clergy and staff news

Sarah Davis has been appointed  Executive Director of Cornerstone Housing for Women, effective Feb. 1, 2021.  The Rev. George Kwari has been appointed Co-ordinator of ...
Churchwarden Peter Hunt joined the Rev. Canon PJ Hobbs (who knows the parish well), Incumbent Archdeacon Kathryn Otley and Bishop Shane Parker for the groundbreaking.

Ground breaking excitement for the Housing Project for Bells Corners

Officials from all three levels of government and the diocese gathered on Nov. 13 at Christ Church Bells Corners (CCBC) to break ground for the ...
On Nov. 22, Bishop Shane Parker installed the Very Rev. Beth Bretzlaff as the new Dean of the Diocese of Ottawa and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral in the company of archdeacons and representative members of the Cathedral parish. Parker blessed a cope given to Bretzlaff by her former parish of St. John the Evangelist in Ottawa.

Very Reverend Beth Bretzlaff installed as Dean and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral

The Very Rev. Beth Bretzlaff was installed as Dean of Ottawa and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral at an evensong service on Nov. 22, with ...
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What does a Dean do?

Following Crosstalk’s November article “Welcoming the new Dean,” a reader wrote to ask for more information about what the role of the Dean of the ...
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Virtual Walk-a-thon a real success

The Virtual  Walk-a-thon for our Centretown Emergency Food Centre on Oct. 4 was an amazing  success. We have been blessed. We raised $34,000. A number ...
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A Few of My Favourite Things

While news of vaccines on the way are a bright point of hope, it seems we all have some months ahead of coping with a ...
Lise Friesen, Lois Thompson , Gillian Mattock, Eleanor Johnson, and Madonna Oliver celebrate the completion of their project in Huntley Parish Hall.

Creativity flourishes in quilting project now exhibited in the Parish of Huntley

At the start of Advent in November 2019, a small group of ladies started meeting for a couple of hours one afternoon per week. One ...
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Today 4 Tomorrow gives hope!

Today 4 Tomorrow (T4T) partners with four day programs, five shelters for women, counselling support services, refugee services, and outreach ministries such as the Youth ...
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Workshop offers seniors financial planning information

Financial planning can be a daunting or overwhelming task at any age. On Nov. 27, the Diocese partnered with a Lutheran charitable foundation and the ...
Bishop John and Catherine Chapman enjoying his retirement.

I’ve given up waiting!

Like many of you, I keep hoping that next month may be different and finally I might have the opportunity to see the “face of ...
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Remember that we do not walk alone

In the ending of the old year and the beginning of the New Year we are bombarded with endless lists of the top 10 movies, ...
Christ Church Cathedral

Cathedral Deanery

We see here Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa, as photographed from the southwest by William James Topley in 1899. So inferior was the design reputation of ...
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Hospital ministries carry on

The provincial lockdown which began in March has curtailed in-person visits with patients at the Ottawa Hospital (TOH), which means that both campuses are off-limits ...
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Anglican Church Women

Dear friends, These long months of dealing with COVID-19 have been a brand-new experience for all of us. Easter, summer holidays, Thanksgiving and now Christmas ...
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Cornerstone’s emergency shelter moves to a new location

Just before Christmas, 34 homeless and vulnerable women boarded an OC Transpo bus at the Cornerstone Emergency Shelter on O’Connor Street for a short ride ...
The Judean Wilderness, seen from the Wadi Qelt lookout, Lent 2019.

When the desert blooms, life begins anew

One of the great joys in my ministry has been a close connection with our companion Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Since 2004, ...
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Clergy News

The Rev. Adam Brown has been appointed Assistant Curate in the Area Parish of the St. Lawrence, effective Feb. 15, 2021. The Rev. Susan Lewis ...
Youth from the two churches met up in St. Helen’s parking lot on a Sunday morning to get the job done.

St. Helen’s and All Saints youth team up to give well stocked backpacks to homeless teens

On Dec. 6, 2020, the youth and their leaders from St. Helen’s Anglican Church and All Saints Westboro came together to create backpacks full of ...
Art Expo Poster

East end Ottawa parish boosts artists and raises funds with an online fair

St. Helen’s fine art fair was off to a fantastic start last year with 18 local artists about ready to display and sell over 140 ...
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Patricia Love honoured with Award of Distinction

An award for her leadership in a ministry of restorative justice was recently presented to Patricia Love during a virtual ceremony drawing together friends, family, ...
Staff members Catherine Stapley, Lorraine Kouwenberg, and Taylor Seguin welcom e a growing number of people to Centre 105.

Centre 105 in Cornwall counts its blessings

It was almost one year ago when Taylor Seguin, Centre 105’s young program co-ordinator, stepped into his new job on Mar. 1 after the Rev. ...
Person walking a labyrinth made of snow

Walking and talking about labyrinths

Throughout the diocese, people have been finding creative ways to be the church even when they could not gather in church buildings. Like many other ...
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A Conversation with Albert Dumont

Last fall, in the wake of the violent death of George Floyd and the ensuing protests, Crosstalk began publishing a series of articles on racism. ...
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Online stewardship resources

The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) has done an excellent job of pivoting to provide online resources and webinars during the pandemic.  The Anglican Diocese ...
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Finding solace in the rhythm of faith and liturgy

As I write this, it is early January.  Christmas is over and the tree is gone but the chalk marks over my door are fresh ...
Saint Stephen, Kazabazua

Saint Stephen, Kazabazua

We see here Saint Stephen’s Church, Kazabazua, as photographed by Brian Glenn on 24 April 2010. Any newcomer to Saint Stephen’s Church, Kazabazua—however momentarily mystified ...
The ACW at St. Mary the Virgin, Blackburn

The ACW at St. Mary the Virgin, Blackburn

Dear friends, COVID has shut a lot of our churches and social groups down, but you can’t keep a good group of women down. Here ...
People on Zoom call

Pulling through the pandemic together

Bishop Shane Parker offered some encouragement to more than 240 wardens and treasurers from across the diocese who gathered online on Jan. 25 to hear ...
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The making of Brother Thankful

In mid-March last year, everything changed overnight. Words that had been abstract and distant suddenly became real and present: novel coronavirus; severe acute respiratory syndrome ...
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Clergy News

The Rev. Canon Robert Heard has been appointed Interim-priest-in-charge for the Area Parish of Prescott-North Glengarry, effective Feb. 4. Peggy Lister has been appointed Chair ...
Woman in PPE holding a serving tray with refershments

Day programs rise to meet pandemic challenges

This winter’s second wave of the pandemic has challenged the day programs of the Community Ministries in Ottawa as never before. The integrated services of ...
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Our Canadian story: Still on the frontlines

February is Black History Month — a time to commemorate, celebrate and recognize the achievements of Black Canadians. It is also an opportunity for people to ...
volunteer helping someone in a car

St. Paul’s Almonte finds new way to reach out with new partners

It’s tradition. For many years, Mississippi Mills residents in need enjoy a complimentary dinner with all the fixings in the church hall at St. Paul’s ...
Close up of feed in candles

Wash one another’s feet

It’s been almost a year now since I visited with the midwives in the mountains of Chiapas, Mexico. Many of these women had at one ...
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Historic Bales for the North project winding down

Dear Friends, We are writing with with heavy hearts as the pandemic and lockdown situation continues. We have given considerable deliberation to the actual continuation ...
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International Women’s Day — Standing with the women of Chiapas, Mexico

Last year, I attended International Women’s Day in San Cristobal, Chiapas, Mexico. Earlier that week, I’d been visiting midwives in a village a couple of ...
Three red dresses

IWD 2021 theme “Choose to Challenge” reminds us of the REDress Project

The words of the women in at the International Women’s Day protest in San Cristobal, Mexico in Liana’s article echo with a terrible familiarity here ...
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Email scam hits Ottawa parishioners

Parishioners in Ottawa recently received fraudulent email messages that appeared to be sent by a priest in the diocese asking them to buy gift cards ...
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Stewardship challenge for the month of March

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love & self-discipline.  —2 Timothy 1:7 Even during a pandemic, ...
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Priority, time and effort being given to strengthening our communications in the Diocese of Ottawa

In May 2020, Bishop Shane Parker appointed the Diocesan Communications Advisory Panel, chaired by Brian Cameron. The Panel is made up of  The Very Rev. ...
Participants in a zoom meeting

Getting to know the 2020-2021 Youth Interns

The Youth Internship Program (YIP) creates a space for young adults to learn, grow, gain practical experience in work placements and to explore questions of ...
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Hospitality as a remedy for division

If you’re anything like me, you can’t help but be aware of the social and political division that is unfolding in our midst. The recent ...
Silver Creek, Saint Thomas

Silver Creek, Saint Thomas

We see here the Church of Saint Thomas, Silver Creek in the Deanery of West Quebec, as photographed by Brian Glenn on 7 May 2009.  ...
Photo of a tree in winter

Bulletin Board

March 5  St Stephen’s Ottawa West will be hosting a World Day of Prayer service on Zoom at 1 p.m. For registration please email [email protected] Seniors ...
St. James, Perth

St. James, Perth plans to upgrade more local properties to create affordable housing

The parish of St. James, Perth, is developing a plan to create badly needed affordable housing using existing buildings.  It’s based on the successful housing ...
The Aedicule and rotunda in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem

The hope we need to sustain us can never be destroyed

I have written before of pilgrimages to the land of the Holy One, and how I look forward to leading them again in the future. My ...
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Clergy News

The Rev. Canon Kevin Flynn has been appointed to the Cathedral Canonery in the Name of Jesus as Canon Liturgist, effective March 11. The Rev. ...
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New executive director takes the lead at Cornerstone

Sarah Davis began work as the new executive director of Cornerstone Housing for Women in January. After growing up in Hamilton, Ont., Davis came to ...
Church of the Resurrection

Parish News

The Parish of the Church of the Resurrection in Ottawa was disestablished as of March 1, 2021. The territory of the parish was allotted to ...
Volunteers around a pick up truck full of food

Centre 105 in Cornwall grows to serve

Centre 105 in Cornwall has added staff, expanded kitchen capacity and opened accessible washrooms to respond more effectively to community needs.   “The demand has ...
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Parishes work to keep affordable housing projects moving forward

The COVID-19 pandemic has had both a negative and positive impact on homelessness and affordable housing in the Diocese of Ottawa. It has caused even ...
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Bishop’s Gala: Raising funds for important international causes

38th Annual and First Virtual Gala and Silent Auction Thursday, May 27 Tickets: bishopsgala2021.eventbrite.ca Donations also welcome Tune in for an evening of entertainment featuring talent from ...
Crayon drawing of a family

Calling all young artists in our diocese!

Parents have a unique ability to make something magical out of something simple—a pillow case made into a great Halloween costume, or some healthy veggies ...
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Review aims to update committees to better support strategic priorities

Following the Bishop’s Charge to Synod in October 2020, a governance review of diocesan committees is now underway. A key element of synodical governance in ...
Ceramic feathers in green undergrowth

Faith groups work together to support Indigenous rights

The All My Relations Working Group is asking Ottawa Anglicans to express their support for Bill C-15, legislation to implement the UN Declaration on the ...
Butterfly on a flower in a green field

Earth Day 51 comes on April 22

Our planet, God’s beautiful creation, needs our help! Not just on the 51st Earth Day but every day. No matter whether we live in an ...
Screen capture of a Zoom meeting

A year of Seniors in Conversation

Every Tuesday morning, I get to do a job I love. With my roommates still asleep, my coffee brewing, and my laptop open, I start ...
John Billingsley and the Rev. Canon Rhondda MacKay on the day All Saints Sandy Hill merged with St. Margaret’s Vanier, in July 2014.

Legacy gift transforms St. Margaret’s hall

When pandemic restrictions are lifted and parishioners are once again able to gather in the hall of St. Margaret’s, Vanier, they will see that the ...
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Waiting on God

It’s been over one year and I’m still waiting. Waiting for life beyond colour coded stages. Waiting for a vaccine. Waiting in lineups for groceries. ...
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Praying with the prayers of the saints

Christians who have gone before us provide inspiration and examples of living the Christian life. They can also provide us with prayers that we can ...
Franktown, Staint James

Franktown, Saint James

We think of the late nineteenth century as an era of church building.  In what is  now the Diocese of Ottawa some 87 churches were ...
The Memorial Window in Christ Church Cathedral

The Diocese turns 125

The Diocese of Ottawa was established on April 7, 1896. The Memorial Window in Christ Church Cathedral, commissioned for the Cathedral’s 150th anniversary in 1982,  ...
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Recommended reading

Paul Ruban’s book of short stories Crevaison en corbillard was awarded the prestigious 2020 Prix Trillium. Parishioners and choristers at Christ Church Cathedral may remember ...
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Bishop marks 125th anniversary with a challenge for the future

In his Easter Sunday sermon at Christ Church Cathedral, Bishop Shane Parker noted that April 7, 2021, would be the 125th anniversary of the day ...
Altar ready for a service

The provenance of Sister Jerusalem

When I was consecrated and seated as the Bishop of Ottawa on May 31 last year—the Day of Pentecost—I was presented with a pectoral cross, ...
St. James, Carleton Place

St. James, Carleton Place building an ecumenical coalition for housing

Two years ago, the congregation of St James, Carleton Place put together a mission statement that aspired to leadership “in community programs that provide supportive, ...
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Clergy News

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Vaccination questions answered by the diocesan advisor

With a few production and distribution bumps along the way, several COVID-19 vaccines are now available in Canada with more doses on the way. As ...
Canon Sue Garvey

Affordable housing work will continue after anniversary

Bishop Shane Parker’s Easter sermon, with its call to embrace the challenges that face us, gives fresh impetus to those in the diocese who are ...
Healing Fund Beaded Poppy

Fund fosters learning and reconciliation work throughout the diocese

“’Chi chiskutimaasunaanaau: We Are Learning’ was a tremendous event in the life of our parish, and in my own personal life” said the Rev. Stephen ...
Staff in front of Basma Hospital

Virtual therapy brings important care into patients’ homes

Talking with Crosstalk just before Easter, Ibrahim Faltas, the general director of the Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre was worried about rising numbers of COVID-19 cases ...
Catherine Smith

Church of the Resurrection takes a brave step

Until March 1 of this year, I was the People’s Warden of the Church of the Resurrection. That was the day when Bishop Shane officially ...
Choir members in red robes

Memories, reflections from members

Lynn and I first came to Church of the Resurrection (COR) at the beginning of 1980, together with a year-old daughter. Fr Ralph Smith was ...
Philip Cockshutt in front of a piano

COR’s early days

The Church of the Resurrection was established by Bishop Ernest Reed in 1963 in view of the rapid development of Riverside Park and was served ...
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Catherine Munroe, Rector’s Warden at St. Thomas

One of the bright spots this past year was having so many members of the former Church of the Resurrection join us at St. Thomas ...
Church of the Resurrection

The deciding moment: Special Vestry meeting July 2020

The Rev. Michael Garner was appointed Assistant Curate in October 2019 and was with the parish as it considered the possibility of disestablishing. He described ...
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A word from the Bishop

Following the parish’s decision to disestablish, Bishop Shane shared these thoughts with parishioners when he announced that he was appointing the Rev. Tim Kehoe as Incumbent and ...
Archdeacon Peter Crosby

More COR memories

I have been thinking of many treasured memories of COR and how much COR meant to our family…husband Ron and daughters Rhonda and Rosemary. …Our girls ...
Screenshot photo of Julian of Norwich choir.

Black History Month and the Canadian story celebrated

On Feb. 26, members of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa gathered online to celebrate Black History Month, with a special Evening Service. As we continue ...
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New refugee ministry staff get started

There are two new friendly faces at the diocesan Refugee Ministry. Ishita Ghose and Safiyah Rochelle began their work as case managers in February, preparing ...
Paper dove

1000 Doves ready to take flight

In recent months, people across the diocese have been creating origami paper doves in a project to support the diocesan Refugee Ministry. Now the goal ...
Archive photo of the interior of Trinity Anglican Church, Ottawa

Ottawa, Trinity

Trinity Church, Ottawa South, had humble beginnings in 1876, with its first worship services held in a local temperance hall.  By the end of the ...
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A Prayer Adapted from one by Theresa of Avila

We have no hands but our hands, to do your work today. We have no feet but our feet, to lead others in your way. ...
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National Worship Conference 2021 goes virtual

The National Planning Committee of the Anglican Lutheran National Worship Conference (NWC) announced in March that this year’s conference will be held online.  The 2020 ...
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Mask-makers! 510 Rideau / Shawenjeagamik has said they would welcome cloth masks that are dark colours, as the majority of their clients are male.  Carrie ...
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Bishop’s Gala: Raising funds for important international causes

Tune in for an evening of entertainment featuring talent from across the Diocese of Ottawa. Gala tickets are available now, and numbers are limited—they will ...
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Bishop asks parishes to work and discern together as one

Representatives from every parish across the diocese gathered online on April 20 for the launch of a major collaborative initiative to shape parish ministry for ...
Bishop Shane praying in front of Christ Church Cathedral

As summer begins and we seek rest…

It is very hard to believe that one year ago, on May 31, 2020, the day of Pentecost, I was consecrated to be your bishop. ...
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Clergy News

Author Perspective
Baby in a car seat holding a person's hand

Diocesan parental leave policy updated

The Pregnancy Parental and Paternity Leave policy has been recently changed to reflect the ongoing commitment to fairness, equality and the importance of supporting staff ...
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Remembering Canon Alan Winship

Canon Alan Winship, Chancellor Emeritus for the Diocese of Ottawa, 87, passed away on May 5, 2021.  Winship’s 40-year service to the diocese as Solicitor ...
Albert Dumont holding a feather

Dumont named Poet Laureate for the City of Ottawa

Albert Dumont has been named as the English language Poet Laureate for the City of Ottawa. He is the first Indigenous poet to be appointed ...
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Looking forward to two years as Poet Laureate

After giving it considerable thought, I have concluded that one life came to an end for me after I wrote my first poem and another ...
Ainsley Moore / Shutterstock.com

Letter to the editor

Dear Editor February’s Anglican Journal article, ‘Rethinking darkness and light; Leaders in the Lutheran and United churches on language and anti-Blackness’, describes the damaging impact ...
Volunteer handing Sunday service form to parishioner

StMartins@Home: Bringing ‘Church’ Home

Over the past year of lockdowns, clergy and parishes have responded with a variety of inventive online solutions to bring church to parishioners. Yet, for ...
People with ceremonial shovels in front of sign

Affordable Housing: Diocese looks back and beyond 2021

The diocese’s Homelessness and Affordable Housing Working Group (HAHWG) is moving into a new phase that is expected to place greater emphasis on partnering with ...
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Perth housing proposal sparks interest

Lanark County, struggling to find more badly needed affordable housing, is welcoming a proposal from St James Perth that would lift a barrier to expanding ...
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